It's something I've been waiting for since I started networking. I'm an avid listener of the Portafilter podcast and the CoffeeGeek podcast. I read the forums, I post on them, I've started my own blog and I'm a moderator. Now, finally, my prayers have been answered. A BRITISH PODCAST!!!
Okay, so I might be a little over excited about this, but finally someone has stepped up to the plate and sorted out some kind of mainstream podcast for us, the UK coffee lover. It's by Chris Weaver (someone I'm mentioned probably a bit too much on this blog) and it's a hugely promising first episode. Fair enough, there are editing issues and it's a little rough, but hell, it's his first go and the content is more than enough to make up for any of it's failings. Aside from the news section (something which on it's own excites me) it has an interview with Steve Leighton, the world famous Hasbean roastmaster which is hugely interesting.
The podcast is only an hour long, so it's easy to fit into the drive home from work (if you travel as far as me anyway), so please have a look and a listen, and get back to Chris with your opinion. He wants to know what people think so he can improve it and make it the world-class podcast I know it's gonna be.
Anyway, I'll post the link at the end of this post, and the link to Chris's blog site is in the window on the right.
Well, I'm gonna go back to listening to it again lol.
Hi Seamus
Warning before you do listen, I apologize for my horrid Midlands accent ;)
I didn't think it was bad lol. Quite enjoyed the interview as well lol. Love the idea of the academy, bit closer than London's Barista School :p
Wait a sec, what am I on about...? I was remarkably tired last night, and seem to have mixed up the UK's best known roaster with Chris Weaver's boss...I do apologise. And as for the accent, I quite like it. It's certainly no worse than Mark Prince's (not that I think his is bad at all).
LOL poor Richard :)
Dont know about best known roaster infamous maybe :)
starts with the cure... onto a winner
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