Sunday, September 7

Episode Two: A New Blogger?

Lets hope this works second time around!

I’d firstly like to introduce myself properly and say a big thanks to Seamus, mainly for taking the risk of letting me loose on his blog!


As mentioned before I work at coolaboola and have done so for about a year and a half, and it’s been a brilliant time as I’m sure most of you reading can imagine, being a barista is good fun!


Hopefully over the coming months I can add to the Third Wave Blog mainly because I’m going to be a full time student, and will have a lot of time spare to review and sample coffee as well as (hopefully) organise events such as a mini-competition for baristi in Newcastle.  The intention is to strengthen the spirit of Third Wave in the area.


I’m gonna keep it short until I figure out how to use blogger a bit more efficiently and have something to write about, comments on how to improve my blogging will be much appreciated as I’m a first timer.


Cheers for reading, and I look forward to posting some reviews pretty soon, hopefully with a balanced approach as Seamus has done, I’ll try and forget that awful macchiato I had at Costa yesterday and wipe the slate clean.





Anonymous said...

Welcome onboard Dane

We (the readers at Coffee Forums UK) will will be following you with interest.

Seamus McFlurry said...

As will I Glenn, as will I... :p

Good first post Dane. Keep up the good work!

Dane McGreevy said...

Thanks to the both of you! I'm very surprised at the speed of both these comments!

Anonymous said...

Deary me i called you Dave following misreading seamus' post. Its great to hear another point of view Dave, and I really look forward to hearing both your points of view.

Regarding your promises of events... please please please keep me updated, I'd love to feature them on the podcast, and if I could wangle a judging position in a competition, that would be really fantastic, especially for both our blogs and the podcast.

Thanks Dave, and keep up the good work.

Chris weaver - Common Grind

Dane McGreevy said...

That would be great! I said to Seamus today I wouldn't have a clue as to who could possibly judge without being too biased!
I get Dave Dale Dean, all sorts!

Welcome to Third Wave UK!

My photo
Hey y'all. Welcome to the Third Wave UK speciality coffee blog. Whether you're a coffee profesional, home barista, or just interested in speciality coffee or the speciality coffee scene in the UK, this blog will hopefully have something for you. Cheers, Seamus McFlurry

Seamus McFlurry At Work!